Publications - Strategies and plans

WREMO Group Plan 2019 - 2024
The broad purpose of the Group Plan is to enable the effective and efficient management of significant hazards and risks for which a coordinated emergency management approach will be required. This Plan provides the strategic direction and a clear vision and framework to achieve what is required.

Wellington Region CDEM Group Welfare Plan 2021 - 2026
This plan will support the Wellington CDEM Group’s ability to deliver on relevant strategic outcomes in the Wellington CDEM Group Plan 2019 –2024, and ensure formal assistance is readily available and accessible to impacted communities in an emergency.

Community Resilience Strategy
Resilient communities are able to plan for, respond to and thrive after a disastrous event. At the heart of a resilient community is a robust set of social networks which help people address the challenges in their day-to-day lives, as well as those that occur in times of extreme stress.

Working with Social Agencies to Support Vulnerable Communities
A CDEM practitioner's guide to strengthening connections within community-based organisations to provide for vulnerable community members in emergencies.

Tsunami Public Information Guide
New Zealand is at risk from tsunami that happen near us, and around the Pacific. In this Tsunami Public Information Guide, you will find information on who the scientists are, what the National Emergency Management Agency's role is in tsunami response, what CDEMs role is in tsunami response, sources of tsunami that could effect New Zealand, Emergency Alerts, and more.