CDEM Group Joint Committee

The Joint Committee provides governance and strategic direction to the Wellington Region Civil Defence Emergency Management Group. The Joint Committee comprises of:

·       the Mayors of the region’s eight city and district councils;

·       the Chair of Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC); and

·       the Chairs of Te Runanga o Toa Rangatira and Te Āti Awa.

The Joint Committee usually meets quarterly. Meetings are attended by members of the CDEM Group and representatives of the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA). However, only the Mayors and Chairs are members of the Committee. 

The Committee is established under clause 12(1)(a) of the CDEM Act 2002 and clause 30(1)b of Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002.

The current Chair of the Joint Committee is Tory Whanau, Mayor of Wellington City. The Deputy Chair is Ron Mark, Mayor of Carterton.

Coordinating Executive Group

The Coordinating Executive Group (or CEG) is made up of chief executives (or their delegates) and senior local managers of other members of the Wellington Region Group.

The Coordinating Executive Group provides advice to the CDEM Joint Committee and implements their decisions. The Coordinating Executive Group oversee the implementation, development, maintenance, monitoring, and evaluation of the CDEM Group Plan and Business Plan.

The following organisations are members of the Coordinating Executive Group:

Representatives of the Wellington Region Lifelines and Regional Welfare Advisory Group also attend the meetings. Usually four meetings are held each year.

The Wellington Coordinating Executive Group is established under Section 20 of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002.

The current Chair of the Coordinating Executive Group is Darren Edwards, Chief Executive of Kāpiti District Councils. The Deputy Chair is Nigel Corry, the Chief Executive of Greater Wellington Regional Council.  

The Local Government Emergency Management Collective

The Local Government Emergency Management Collective is made up of senior managers responsible for Emergency Management in the region’s nine city and district councils.

The Local Government Emergency Management Collective provides advice to the Coordinating Executive Group and implements the decisions of the CDEM Joint Committee. They oversee the implementation, development, maintenance, monitoring, and evaluation of the WREMO Annual Plan.

The following organisations are members of the Local Government Emergency Management Collective: