Use the following checklist as a starter to make your home safe:

1. Below the house
Check your foundations
- Has there been any excavation around the piles?
- Secure the bearers to the piles.
- Replace any rotten timber.

2. Inside the house
- Secure your T.V, hot water cylinders, free-standing wood burners and heavy or tall furniture.
- Are there any unreinforced masonry walls that need extra support?
- Have any walls been removed? This can weaken the integrity of the building.

3. Ceiling to roof
- Secure water header tanks.
- Check heavy roofing tiles are tied in place and/or consider replacing with lighter-weight metal roofing.
- Check brick chimneys are properly secured, and if not in use, consider removal.
Are the rafters and struts in your roof in good condition? Does it look like any have been removed? - If you need help, get a professional builder in to check your home.

Note: If you are renting
It's in your landlord’s best interests if your home is still liveable after an earthquake, so talk with them about making your home safer - discuss the key points on the checklist above.