Ngā Wā Whakangahau Calendar of Events

Navigating Stress and Recovery in Disasters - Wellington
Date: Saturday 22nd June 2024
Time: 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Location: Tawa Community Centre, 5 Cambridge Street, Tawa, Wellington
"Disasters break things, they but they don’t have to break people"
The Wellington Region Emergency Management Office has paired with Disastrous to create an easy-to-understand workshop about the impacts of making decisions in high pressure situations such as a disaster or disruption.
We will cover:
- Why being prepared for an emergency is important.
- What's happening to your body and mind in high pressure situations/the role of stress.
- How to manage your own reactions/responses under stress.
- Tools you can use to navigate uncertainty.
- How we can manage the impacts of stress together.
For more information, please email
We aim to make our community events inclusive to all people. If you are attending the event and have specific accessibility requirements, you can send us an email at with the event name and we will get in touch to see how we can meet your needs as best we can.