Ngā Wā Whakangahau Calendar of Events

Early Childhood Education Planning Workshop - Kāpiti
Date: Tuesday 9th of April 2024
Time: 9am-12pm
Location: 26 Fytfield Place, Paraparaumu
Would you and your staff be confident in an emergency? Do you have a plan, and more importantly have you practiced it recently?
We are holding a free workshop for Early Childhood Education Centres in Kāpiti to come together to discuss your emergency plans.
This workshop is an opportunity for ECEs to share challenges and solutions and get advice from our Emergency Management Advisors. The workshop is run in collaboration with the Ministry of Education. It aims to help ECEs plan for significant events such as earthquake, tsunami, armed intruder and to share ideas and network around emergency planning.
This is an opportunity for Directors, Health & Safety Representatives or Leads to:
- Share solutions, practical advice and learnings from recent events.
- Discuss your current plans with emergency management professionals .
- Learn more about our local hazards and important planning information including lessons learnt from the Christchurch Earthquake, Christchurch Mosque Attack and Cyclone Gabrielle.
Hope to see you there as we build safer and more resilient ECEs and communities together.
For more information, please email
Places are limited to a maximum of 30 people attending each session.